
I am Sara,
a software developer
in Barcelona.

About Me

My name is Sara Kozińska. I was born on 21.10.1987 in Warsaw, Poland. Currently I live in sunny Barcelona, Spain, where I live with my stubborn (but still cute) French bulldog Lilo.

From the moment I could tie my shoelaces without tripping over, I've been sure i am gonna be vet. Happily for animals, few years later i got my first computer, and then change the idea of what i want to do for living in the future. Along the way, I've picked up a few more hobbies to keep life spicy: snowboarding, wakeboarding, cooking and good entertainment.


I have 15+ years of experience in code development industry!!!

Yes, I have been speaking with computers for over 15 years! That's over 500,000 hours of good work! I dare your company to challenge me!

I started programming in high school with Action Script (Macromedia Flash) and basic HTML / CSS. From there I dived into the world of content management systems such as Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento, Drupal, and Shopify which led to my specialization in WordPress development (WordPress powers 65.2% of all websites using any content management system).

I've worked with the most popular WP Page Builders / Themes (Avada, Divi, Elementor...), and quite a large amount of well-known WP plugins, so I have the ability to detect the most common issues/bugs and fix them in a very quick time. Coding custom themes, I was often creating (on the base of ACF PRO's Flexible Content field) custom page builders, tailoring them to client needs and experience. Now my switch is definitely to creating custom Gutenberg blocks.

My strongest WordPress developer skills are in custom code and optimization. I create new themes, plugins, and blocks from scratch, and I am always looking for the most efficient, modern strategies for my projects.

I am most enthusiastic at the moment about:
- WordPress Development: Gutenberg, Fullsite editing, headless WP (REACT, VUE, TypeScript, Faust.js),
- Jamstack: [REACT / VUE.js / TypeScript] + [ / Prismic / Netlify / Strapi],
- GSAP (GreenSock), ANIME.JS,
- Google Firebase products,
- AWS,
- AI (Python developent, NLP, CoT, RAG, Web Scraping).

I'm not asking you to take my word for it; I challenge you to take my references into account, or even better, let me prove myself in practice!


Warsaw School of Computer Science

Information Technology

October 2007 - June 2011

High School

Class Profile: Math, Physic, Information Technology

October 2004 - June 2007


Ixtrim Sara Kozińska, Freelance Web Developer

Full Stack WebDeveloper

August 2019 - Present • Barcelona, Spain • Remotely, Worldwide

Working as freelance developer full time (remotely) or per project. I was working with companies such as Integrated Mobile Marketing (United States), Mobile5 (UK), The TEFL Academy (UK), and who knows... maybe yours?

netzstrategen GmbH

Full Stack WebDeveloper

October 2017 - July 2018 • Barcelona, Spain

Working as part of the company's web developers team in the Barcelona office.

Ixtrim Sara Kozińska, Freelance Web Developer

Web Developer

January 2007 - September 2017 • Warsaw, Poland

Working as a freelance developer full time. Cooperation with many companies all over the world - directly with end-client or as an outsource for bigger agencies (such as American Eagle, Hypermedia Isobar, Sparrow Design and many more).

FAMA PR Agency

Web Developer

April 2009 - October 2010 • Warsaw, Poland

Full-stack web developer in a marketing agency. I was creating interactive and animated websites using Flash / Action Script, Joomla and WordPress.

Film and Art Festival TWO RIVERSIDES

Web Developer

May 2007 - September 2011 • Kazimierz Dolny, Poland

Creation of festival website and content management. The whole project was based on CMS Joomla and created by me from scratch. Annually, we were changing the whole template and added new functionalities to the website as the festival was growing.

Let's Get In Touch

I'd really love to hear from you! Whether you have a question, quote or just want to chat about code — shoot me a message.